Who was the best scorer of these 3 in their PRIMES?

While you make some good points, “tailored to accentuate his strengths” undersells how much of their system is made possible by those very strengths. Also, most teams tailor their system to the strengths of their personnel. He’s not unique in that sense. If anything it’s a point in favour of him being so easy to build around.

Durant is one of the biggest beneficiaries of Curry’s strengths fwiw. A playoff TS% of 57.5 on OKC zipped up to 64.2 in his Warriors tenure…also from 54.2 in his last year on OKC to 68.3 in ‘16-‘17.

And did you see their on-offs with Steph as opposed to KD? They still played at a league-best pace when KD missed games but not Steph. Didn’t apply the other way around.

I see little evidence to suggest Steph’s blend of scoring/efficiency is more elastic than KD’s depending on what system they’re in. It’s KD whose efficiency went up leaps and bounds on the Warriors super-squad. When they were on similar calibre teams their efficiencies were similar, while the threat of Steph’s scoring/off-ball game seemed to generate more additive/positive team effects.