The Pistons shocked the world and became champions 20 years ago today

That was one of the greatest defensive performances in finals/nba history. To be honest, Kobe had to play out of his mind to get that one Laker win. The Pistons were just too good on every level. And they went nine deep. Corliss Williamson caused absolute havoc coming off the bench as did Mehmet Okur, Lindsey Hunter, Elden Campbell and crew.

r/DetroitPistons - The Pistons shocked the world and became champions 20 years ago today🏆
This was one of those teams that caused the rules to be changed too. Their success on defense diminished the offense and so the NBA rewrote the rules to get away from a team like this—a defense first team—winning it all.
A great group of athletes and coaches. It was a different league then.