Could they have set up shop here in the past and be living amongst us?”

Yeah, you’re right, “technically” (the most excellent kind of correct, lol). But it’s good to remember that FOX is “wide America”, and if you want to get a niche narrative into the minds of the “masses” from a “mainstream” channel, you have to bring it in on the vehicle/trojan of a familiar narrative/mode.

And humour (tho it may appear to mock) always allows the medicine/information to more deeply embed into the brain than other things. So, when you see that seemingly-mocking glint in the anchor’s eyes, and it angers you, understandably, I see, the necessary hat-tip to “mainstream sensibilities”, the silver tongued serpent words of a pleasant Muzak tune, to carry in the message deep, to ease it down. And I think it’s a necessary tax to pay at this point, to get the message more deeply buried out there.

What do you think? Could you come around to that idea? At least for a while I think we’re gonna need to accept that reality sometimes if we want to push wild, out there ideas on people, we need to lubricate them with stuff that makes it more palatable. At to note, his mockery/humor was restrained enough that you couldn’t point it out directly, but it was more his smug aires. I think that’s progress 🙂